I'm so excited! I just got a message from my expat FB-friend Harry, who is living in Hongkong with his expat parents and who only recently experienced his big "drop-out". Can you imagine how jealous I was at first? I know it's not nice but sometimes I'm getting so bored down here. You have...
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I just love these tiny beet Mummy harvested on our balcony this autumn! They're just the cutest vegetables I have ever seen! Just adorable! On the photo you can see how small they really were. They just refused to grow any further. I reckon they wanted to maintain their baby size. In a way...
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Part 1: Please welcome the youngest blogger in the world G'day mates, As I am a little bit bored "down under" (it really feels as if I am on the other side of the world), I thought it to be a good idea to start practising my communication skills by sharing my thoughts with...
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